Step 4 - Stockpiling

Let me start off by saying that stockpiling and hoarding are 2 different things...depending on how you go about it. Stockpiling is what you do when an item can be had at a great price or free. It can significantly lower your costs on future shopping trips. For example, I recently stocked up on body wash that usually runs $3.99. It is an item that I buy regularly and often have $1 off 1 coupons for. However, when a sale came up making it $2.99 and the store that had the sale offered to double coupons up to $1, I was able to get these for $.99 each. Why wouldn't I stock up on these? Here are some simple steps to follow:

- Store stockpile items in a safe place. Consider pests, temperatures, etc.
The stockpile should not impede on your living space! If you put things in your living room you will most likely start getting gripes from family members, it will make cleaning more difficult, you will look like a crazy person, etc. If you don't have a lot of room, make due with what you have. Even small stockpiles help.
- Only buy items that your family can use up before it goes stale.
-  Take your time. Nothing is more disheartening than stockpiling an item, only to have an even better sale pop up a week later. Just because an item goes on sale doesn't mean you should go out and buy 500.
- Keep the stockpile organized. Buy a shelf or two to put things on (or check craigslist where you can sometimes get free shelves if you're willing and able to haul).
- Occasionally rotate your stockpile. Keep older items in the front so that you use them up first and make sure you can see everything. If not, it's easy to forget it's there and you might find the item after it has expired.
- Keep the stockpile out of sight! When I first started couponing I got a great deal on Chex Mix, which my hubby loves. I bought several different flavors and put them in a kitchen cabinet where we keep snacks. My husband found himself in a virtual "snacker's paradise" and decided to try them all. Suddenly we had several open bags going stale :( The same goes for the kids....seeing tons of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups is far to tempting. Keeping them where kids have access to them will result in cavities and sugar highs!

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